This machine is for Bed Rubberizing and Automatic Bed Coiling / Ring making Bicycle and Motor cycle size manufacturing 8" to 28" Dia for 2 no's wire let off unit to 10 no's wire let off unit :
HMG 301 BD 2 x 2 - 1 x 3 - 2 x 3
a). Let off unit 10 no's with self breaks.
b). Wire heating unit with D.C. and A.C. variable.
c). Cold feed and Hot feed extruder 65mm screw dia.
d). Dia 650 mm cooing Drum with Festtooner cap 30min/hrs.
e). No's.of wire One to Ten.
f). Panel 5 HP, 7 1/2, 3 HP wtih D.C. and A.C. drive veriable controls